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Look, Feel, Voice: Your Firm’s Identity Kit

The look, feel, and voice of your brand all contribute to your firm’s identity kit. An identity kit is a set of standards and guidelines that ensure that everything published by your brand achieves a certain level of consistency. Consistency is key. You need everything your firm does to fall within your established identity.  An […]

Emerging Legal Practice Areas

We all use technology to manage our lives every single day. From our smartphones to GPS to email…it is fully ingrained into the way we do business, socialize, and learn new things. Innovation in the technology sphere moves fast, and new automation and tech systems are cropping up faster than they ever have before. As […]

Meet the New Prince or Princess of Marketing: Accessibility

Have you ever heard the phrase “Content is King”? It is a widely held belief among digital marketers everywhere. The idea is that if you provide your audience with high-quality content, they will want to work with your brand. This belief is why so many marketers give free tips, tricks, and ideas on marketing but […]

Learn the Pros and Cons of Bilingual Blogs

Bilingual content is a great way to grow your business. It helps you to reach a wider audience, demonstrates cultural competency, and can drive new leads. But just like anything, there are cons that come along with the pros. Before you choose to launch a bilingual blog, make sure you understand what you are getting […]