Most law firms have a HUGE problem: Their websites don’t convert.
This is a major issue. No law firm wants to go through the effort of promoting their brand, spending money to get a potential client to their website, only to lose them once they get there due to their website not converting.
Luckily, this problem can be fixed. Here are a few tips and tricks from the experts at Abogados NOW’s development team, who have built hundreds of websites that do the job they’re supposed to do: get their attorneys more clients.
1) Your website should be mobile-first
We can’t stress this point enough. Mobile phones now generate 60% of website traffic. The number is even higher if you’re targeting specific demographic groups (85% of Spanish-speaking adults in the U.S. primarily use mobile phones for the web). As the name suggests, mobile-first design refers to designing your website around mobile users’ needs first.
All UX/UI decisions should consider the experience someone visiting your site on their mobile phone will have. If they have a website that works well on their phones, they’re more likely to stay on the site and convert.
2) Create a proper Spanish version of your website (There are over 50 million Spanish speakers in the U.S.)
How do you expect to convert Spanish-speaking leads if you’re making it clear Spanish-speaking clients aren’t a priority by only having one or two pages of your site in Spanish (and even worse, it’s clear Google Translate was used to translate the pages)? Your law firm should have a Spanish-language website built to cater to the needs of Spanish speakers. The content should create trust between you and the Spanish speakers in your community.
Letting these visitors know they matter and that you care will make them want to work with you, leading to more calls for consultations.
3) Use strong action words in Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons (they lead to visitors clicking)
Make the action that you would like your potential client to take very clear. For example, say “Call Us” instead of just listing your firm’s phone number. A simple change can lead to more actions by your visitors.
4) Add Click-to-Call CTA Buttons to make reaching your firm easy for potential clients
Make it easy for the client to reach out by including Click-to-Call buttons. Having buttons that only require a single action from the potential client will lead to more calls to your law firm.
If your law firm’s marketing isn’t getting the results you expected, click here to schedule a free consultation with us. We can get your law firm the growth it deserves.
5) Have More than one CTA On Long Pages
Add more CTA’s if your practice’s website has an exceptionally long homepage or landing page. Multiple CTA placements can generate up to 220% more leads than landing pages with a single CTA.
6) Improve your website’s load speed to increase conversions and decrease bounce rate
According to a report by Google, a one-second improvement in website speed can increase conversions for mobile users by up to 27%. On the other hand, longer load times led to higher bounce rates; a website that loaded in under three seconds averaged a 13% bounce rate, while one that loaded after nine seconds had an almost 60% bounce rate (5 times higher!).
Ensure your law firm’s website is optimized to load quickly (yet still be aesthetically pleasing) so you don’t lose potential clients without even having a chance to tell them why they should work with your firm.
Your Marketing Should Convert
If your current website and digital marketing strategies are not giving you the results you want, contact us to learn what we can do for your practice. We offer solutions for law firms of all sizes.
As a trusted partner who only works with attorneys, we can help you get better conversions on your website and leverage a variety of marketing channels to boost your law firm’s revenue.
For more information about how we can help you generate and convert quality leads for your law practice, click on the calendar to schedule a free consultation with us.